





威海新光電碳制品有限公司占地43000平方米,建筑面積36000平方米,具有先進充足的生產設備, 可年產電刷15000萬塊,各類刷架總成及組件800萬套,并配置了全面的檢測設備以及動態試驗設備,可對起動機、發電機、風扇電機、雨刮電機、油泵電機、ABS電機、EPS電機碳刷進行綜合測試。


WeiHai XinGuang Carbon Products Co.,Ltd is a specialized manufacturer of auto-use carbon brushes and their assembly, possessing the capability of independent R&D and mastering the core technology of manufacturing high-end carbon brushes which are able to satisfy customers’ increasing demands on product quality. WeiHai XinGuang Carbon Products Co.,Ltd covers an area of 43,000 ㎡ including 36,000 ㎡ building area with adequate advanced production equipment. It is equipped with comprehensive testing equipment and dynamic testing equipment which can test the overall performances of brushes for starters, alternators, fan motors, wiper motors and oil pump motors. The advanced production equipment enables to have an annual output capacity of 150 million pieces of carbon brushes and 8 million sets of brush holders. Always adhering to the tenet of “People oriented and Faithful service”, the enterprise has cultivated a group of professional talents. We have been strictly implementing the IATF16949 quality system, providing high-quality and highly reliable products and service for customers. We take “Integrity, Pragmatism, Communication and Innovation” as management idea, and “Ceaseless innovation, Ceaseless development” as motivation to realize an enterprise of good quality, high reliability and good service and to achieve simultaneous development with our customers.

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